Prepare the SD Card
We have created a Container image that contains the Open Mower software. Additionally, we have created a Raspberry Pi image that is modified specifically for Open Mower use. In this step, we flash the image and do some basic setup for your mower.
In order to follow this guide, you will need:
- An SD card with at least 16 GB
- A PC with the Raspberry Pi Imager Software installed:
🔗 - The latest OpenMowerOS Image:
You can download it in theAssets
section. You don’t need to unpack the image. - An SD card reader
Step 1: Flash the Image to your SD Card
- Start the Raspberry Pi Imager Software. Select
CHOOSE OS -> Use Custom
. Then open the image file you downloaded earlier. - Select
and select your SD card from the Window. Make sure that you are really selecting the correct SD card, all data on the selected device will be erased! - Select
and wait for the process to finish
Step 2: Configure Open Mower
For the robot to work correctly, you need to set some configuration options. In order to make this as simple as possible, the configuration files are located in the boot
partition of your newly flashed SD card. You can access the files on Windows or Linux without any additional steps (it’s mounted as a mass-storage device). If the partition does not show up in your file explorer, unplug and replug the SD card.
/openmower/openmower_version.txt (on Linux: /boot/openmower/openmower_version.txt)
This file selects the Open Mower version to use. You can choose the following:
edge: This one changes very often. Only use it if you want to take part in the development or are asked to use it by a developer.
alpha: For people who like to test stuff. This one will be updated fairly often as well and without notice. Only use it if you want to be among the first people to get new features, but prepare to have issues.
beta (recommended): This one is the most stable one of the three. I try to keep this as stable as possible.
/openmower/mower_config.txt (on Linux: /boot/openmower/mower_config.txt)
This file has important settings for the Open Mower software. The configurations in the file might change with the Open Mower release, that’s why the documentation can be found in the file. Here is an example file, but please use and modify the one that came with your OpenMowerOS.
## Important Settings ##
# Most of the time you must modify those settings, so they are moved to the beginning of document from their respective sections
# Refer to documentation for more info:
# Your Hardware Version (more a firmware version, really). Check the OpenMower docs ( for the firmware versions.
# Supported values as of today:
# 0_13_X: Use this if you have 0.13.x mainboard with LSM6DSOTR (default).
# 0_12_X_LSM6DSO: Use this if you have an LSM6DSOTR and have a 0.12.x mainboard.
# 0_11_X_WT901: Use this if you have an WT901 and have a 0.11.x mainboard.
# 0_10_X_WT901: Use this if you have an WT901 and have a 0.10.x mainboard.
# 0_10_X_MPU9250: Use this if you have an MPU9250 and have a 0.10.x mainboard (be aware that there are many fake chips on the market. So probably not your hardware version).
# 0_9_X_WT901_INSTEAD_OF_SOUND: Use this if you have soldered the WT901 in the sound module's slot and have a 0.9.x mainboard.
# 0_9_X_MPU9250: Use this if you have an MPU9250 and have a 0.9.x mainboard (be aware that there are many fake chips on the market. So probably not your hardware version).
# Uncomment and set to coordinates near your future docking station, this will be your map origin.
# There might be a case that you don't need those if you using OM_USE_RELATIVE_POSITION=True
# NTRIP Settings
# Set to False if using external radio plugged into the Ardusimple board.
export OM_USE_NTRIP=True
export OM_NTRIP_PORT=2101
export OM_NTRIP_USER=gps
## Hardware Specific Settings ##
# The type of mower you're using, used to get some hardware parameters automatically
# Currently supported:
# YardForce500
# YardForceSA650
# CUSTOM (put your configs in ~/mower_params/)
export OM_MOWER="YardForce500"
# Select your ESC type
# Supported values as of today:
# xesc_mini: for the STM32 version (VESC)
# xesc_2040: for the RP2040 version (very experimental!)
export OM_MOWER_ESC_TYPE="xesc_mini"
# Select your gamepad
# Currently supported: ps3, steam_stick, steam_touch, xbox360
export OM_MOWER_GAMEPAD="xbox360"
# Set to true to record your session.
# Output will be stored in your $HOME
# Full Sound Support - But read on carefully:
# Up to (and inclusive) OM hardware version 0.13.x, DFPlayer's power supply is set by default to 3.3V.
# This is done by solder jumper "JP1" whose board track is by default at 3.3V.
# If you manually opened the 3.3V track and solder a bridge to 5V, then you can indicate it here to get full sound support.
# DO NOT enable "OM_DFP_IS_5V=True" if you haven't changed it in real. You might risk your "Raspberry Pico"!
# And even if the Pico isn't expensive, it's a torture to replace it.
# Full details are available here:
# export OM_DFP_IS_5V=False
# Language as ISO-639-1 code string (currently only used by sound).
# Supported languages: en|de
# export OM_LANGUAGE="en"
# Sound volume (%)
# Supported values:
# 0-100 = Set sound volume on OM start, ignoring a previously set volume level (i.e. changed by CoverUI)
# -1 = Don't change a previously set volume level
# export OM_VOLUME=-1
# Background sounds
# Beside some spoken informational advert sounds like "Waiting for RTK GPS" or "Heading back to docking station",
# the current sound implementation might also play some funny background sounds like "I'm singing in the rain" once rain got detected.
# But it will also play background sounds which might unsettle your wife or neighbor.
# That's why it's configured false/off by default. If your wife or neightbor is heavy-duty, you can set it to "true" (on) here:
## GPS Settings ##
# Relative Positioning vs LatLng coordinates
# If OM_USE_RELATIVE_POSITION=False, we're using an arbitrary point as map origin. This point is called the DATUM point and
# needs to be set using OM_DATUM_LAT and OM_DATUM_LONG below.
# If OM_USE_RELATIVE_POSITION=True, we're using the ublox NAVRELPOSNED messages as position.
# This makes your base station the map origin
# For it recommended to set OM_USE_RELATIVE_POSITION to False. This way you can move your base station without re-recording your maps and it's also more compatible overall.
# GPS protocol. Use UBX for u-blox chipsets and NMEA for everything else
# If you want to use F9R's sensor fusion, set this to true (you will also need to set DATUM_LAT and DATUM_LONG.
# Consider this option unstable, since I don't have the F9R anymore, so I'm not able to test this.
## Mower Logic Settings ##
# The distance to drive forward AFTER reaching the second docking point
# The distance to drive for undocking. This needs to be large enough for the robot to have GPS reception
# How many outlines should the mover drive. It's not recommended to set this below 4.
# Mowing angle offset -180 deg - +180 deg, 0 = east, -90 = north. If mowing angle offset is not absolute it gets added to the auto detected angle which is set by the first 2 m of recorded outline.
# The width of mowing paths.
# Choose it smaller than your actual mowing tool in order to have some overlap.
# 0.13 works well for the Classic 500.
export OM_TOOL_WIDTH=0.13
# Voltages for battery to be considered full or empty
# Mower motor temperatures to stop and start mowing
export OM_GPS_WAIT_TIME_SEC=10.0
# Mowing Behavior Settings
# True to enable mowing motor
export OM_ENABLE_MOWER=true
# True to start mowing automatically. If this is false, you need to start manually by pressing the start button
# source the default values for the hardware platform.
# you only need this line on non-docker installs. in the docker, it will be done automatically.
# source $(rospack find open_mower)/params/hardware_specific/$OM_MOWER/
Step 3: Done 🎉
You can now remove the SD card from your PC, it is ready to be used with the Open Mower software.