Sound (DFPlayer)
DFPlayer Module
If your mainboard got delivered with an already equipped DFPlayer, you most likely got the original DFRobot-DFPlayer with a ‘DFRobot LISP3’ chip.
If you need to attach one, and your’re not located in the US, you might also use a DFPlayer-Clone with a ‘MH2024K-24SS’, ‘JL AB23A799755’ or ‘GD3200B’ chip, as sold by Amazon, AliExpress or the like.
When using a DFPlayer-Clone,in an open-mower-mainboard up to version 0.13.x,
you should cut-off Pin-11 from the DFPlayer-Clone:

If not, volume control will not work and always play at 100%!
You also need to take attention that your motherboard has the required R7 and R13 (1k) resistors assembled:
Change DFPlayer’s VCC to 5V
All mainboard version ≤ 0.13.x supply the DFPlayer with 3.3V by default.
But for full sound support, it’s highly advised to change this to 5V, otherwise you might risk your Pico’s PMIC 💣. More technical details here: Sound-Readme
Once changed, you’re save to enable full sound support via OM_DFP_IS_5V=True
mower_config switch.
Sound SD-Card
SDCard (128Mb) and DFPlayer Mini are included in the kit.Take an SD card (different from the one you are using for RPi), format as FAT32, copy all MP3 files and folder to the root folder. Insert SD card to DFPlayer. Insert DFPlayer into motherboard SD card facing right (towards RPi)
☝️ Updated 11/2024
The soundfile structure completely changed in November 2024. If you already prepared your SD-Card before, it still works, but for full sound support you need to replace all files with the new structure (and take care that no old origin files remain on the SD-Card).Speaker mount
There’re a couple of 3D-Printable speaker mounts available for different models. Worth to check OpenMower @ Printables